Feedback And Complaints

Dedicated tracking for guest complaints, escalation, compensation and follow up processes

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Simplify your complaint tracking and recovery processes

Don’t let bad reviews tarnish your reputation! Resolving inconveniences for dissatisfied guests is a crucial part of maintaining the brand quality standards for any hotel.

Hotlync’s Feedback and Complaints module ensures that the right complaint always reaches the right person, prompting quick resolutions and compensation.

Our range of features and benefits:

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    Universal portal

    Ensure ease of access for all your guests with one common, responsive portal for initiating all guest complaints.

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    Guest recovery tracking

    Log and track all compensations provided to each guest in one place.

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    Central dashboard

    View all details of service recovery actions, complaints, severity of issue, pending complaints, and department wise complaints through a centralized dashboard.

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    Escalation by departments

    Reroute complaints to key personnel in the right departments for long term resolution.

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    Inter-department briefing

    Connect and debrief employees and teams across locations and departments in real time.

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    Incident report

    Generate Standard and Custom Drill Down Reports to identify repeat occurrences and trends in guest complaints that can be exported and shared to your team in PDF or Excel formats.

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